Heroic fantasy lives as this epic poem tells the real story of what happened to the lost and mysterious island of Atlantis. A prince of Avalon journeys to the isle and meets Andralee the beautiful mermaid siren of Atlantis. What must be sacrificed for their love? Based on modern research, I've placed the island in it's most likely location and appearance.
Here's an excerpt from Song for Atlantis...

Just then the drums were heard from the boats,
Alcord's crew, armed and ready for war,
"I'll stop them," Alcord said, and he raised his hand.
The boats stopped, numbering twenty or more.

Alcord said to Fierre, "If you don't mind, dear Goddess,
With Andralee, I'd like to stay here."
Andralee beamed and said, "Yes mother, please."
But she said, "Alas you cannot, I fear."

"For no outworlder has ever been to this isle.
It's never seen a war or heard a cry,
It's never smelled evil, or tasted sin,
And if you touch it, it will most surely die."

Then she looked at the angry dogs in the boats,
And said, "I know what I must do, my dear."
Then the Goddess Fierre closed her eyes and looked down,
And Atlantis saw its very first tear.

Recommended for ages 8 - 119


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